I set up a photo booth on my back porch to get the pictures. Our house is pretty dark, and finding good natural light is not as easy as you would think. So I ironed out an antique white tablecloth (leftover from my wedding!) and pined it to the wall, then set up a little fold up table, and draped the cloth over that.
Photo booth next to the home brew equipment... we have a lot of hobbies.
Finished Photo. Not bad, huh?
Overall I think my photos turned out really well. Etsy allows you to put five photos with each item, so I really tried to get different angles and a few good close ups.
The next hurdle was the shipping. I plan to get a shipping scale, but for now I just did an estimate. If it ends up too high I will put the refund in cash with the package, if it's too low then I'll just have to take it out of pocket. There's a lot of great info in the Etsy seller's handbook, which is free on Etsy. I also went into the forums and found some good Q&A. I really recommend going through the Etsy website and figuring out the forums and groups and look at other shops similar to what you want. Try not to just duplicate another shop, but use others to find your own voice.
I've been studying other potter's descriptions and shop info, and had a rough draft ready for set up. I'm glad, it really is a lot of work! You want to have detailed descriptions, and maybe something whimsical to describe it so that a customer really bonds with the piece they're considering buying.
Check out my Etsy page at http://www.etsy.com/shop/RoseAvenaPottery?ref=ss_profile
I also filed my business license a few weeks ago, but so far I haven't gotten anything in the mail. I figured I could jump start my Etsy shop while the paperwork comes in. It was pretty easy to do online.
I still have a lot of work to do on my shop, but I think it's pretty good for a sleep deprived mama! My little toddler is cutting a few new teeth, and it's been rough. I think it's about time for us both to go to bed.